Five favorite things about Hedvig, with Jonas Trumstedt, Chief People Officer

8 October 2022

Jonas Trumstedt är Chief People Officer på Hedvig

1. People First

– I love that we’re changing the insurance industry with a people first mindset. Not only people as in our members, but also with a big focus on how to build a workplace where people feel challenged, appreciated and accepted for who they are.

2. Driving force

– Our strength is in our differences, but the common driving force is unique. All people working at Hedvig have different backgrounds and experiences, both professional and personal, but are striving towards the same goal – to change an outdated industry and serve our members.

3. Guiding principles

– At Hedvig we value our guiding principles. The guiding principles help us find the right way forward, both long term and short term. They not only make our team more efficient, they also make the job more fun.

4. Try again

– Changing an ancient industry takes time and comes with many bumps in the road. In order to keep going, we need to remember that we are all humans and that everything doesn’t have to be perfect at once. We try, we ask for feedback. And we try again.

5. Change is constant

– At Hedvig, change is what makes it fun, we never settle with the ordinary. We strive to find new angles and new ways of doing things. Innovation is key within all departments.

Press contact

Désirée Maurd, pressansvarig på Hedvig

Désirée Maurd

Communications Director

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